ENGAGEMENT – South Carolina Office of Resilience Weekly Call

You are one of the most powerful change-makers when it comes to ensuring South Carolina is on a path towards effective and equitable conservation outcomes. Right now, it's as important as ever to get engaged and be heard. South Carolina's new Office of Resilience exists to increase resilience to disasters and reduce or eliminate the […]


ENGAGEMENT – “Listening, Loving and Acting Together for Climate Action”

DATE TBD SCIPL is partnering with My Neighbor's Voice (MNV), a forum designed to create purposeful and productive connections. Using MNV Listening Cards and a moderated format, MNV provides a safe and hospitable space in which everyone is invited to share their personal stories, thoughts and opinions about how best to live together. It's through […]


ACTION – Poor People’s Campaign Moral March on Washington

Join our South Carolina partners and the Poor People's Campaign for the JUNE 18, 2022Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly & Moral March on Washington, DC. The Poor People's Campaign is a fusion movement mobilizing across the country to change the moral narrative and demand that the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, […]

EDUCATION – Faith, Health & Climate: Extreme Heat in South Carolina

Faith, Health & Climate: Extreme Heat in South Carolina Extreme heat is one of the leading causes of weather-related deaths in the United States, killing 600 more people than all other leading weather-related deaths combined. Learn about the effects and dangers of extreme heat, and what our communities can do to combat them. This is […]


Energy Democracy Town Hall

Join South Carolina Interfaith Power & Light, and the Sierra Club, for a town hall to discuss rising energy prices and utility bills across South Carolina. As the major utility providers continue to petition regulators and lawmakers to raise rates, you, as a citizen have the right to be heard. Our hope is to identify […]