SCIPL will is partnered with the Gullah/Geechee Nation to address deforestation and climate change. To us, it is necessary to address these issues globally and locally. We believe in the power of trees and want to help our neighbors and our state through their healing and purifying qualities.
Our goal is for $12,000 to be donated in order for us to build community resiliency and enhance human health as we connect to the earth spiritually.
This project lays the common ground for people of all faiths from different corners of the world to work collectively on something greater than us all: the Planet. Join us over the next four weeks in raising funds and awareness for four global locations:
Learn more.
It is our responsibility as people of faith to care for our neighbors; whether they are next door, or miles away. Click the link for each country to learn more about who we are partnering with and about the issues at hand.
Haiti Reforrestation
Partners in Agriculture is an organization in Haiti that has been tirelessly working to reforest the Central Plateau. Click the link below to read more about their organization.
Gullah/Geechee Nation Clear Cutting
The clear-cutting of trees in the Gullah/Geechee Nation has caused major upheavals to the environment that do not get noticed until there are hurricanes. So, the Gullah/Geechee Nation is encouraging people to protect the tree and join in forestry.
Trinidad Mudslides and Earthquakes
Fondes is an organization in Trinidad that seeks to address the need for reforestation in the mountainous areas of the Caribbean with Trinidad being the focus.
Pakistan Airquality
The Hidaya Foundation is aiming to plant 10 billion trees by 2023. Pakistan is facing hotter temperatures, melting Himalayan glaciers, low air quality levels, and intensified monsoon as a result of climate change.
Why Trees?
To us, trees mean more than landscape. Forests help sustain all life on Earth. They clean our water. Cleanse our air. Cool our planet. Trees give us refuge and refreshment, shade, and shelter. We hope that our campaign will help improve important watersheds that provide clean drinking water to millions of people, provide protection for thousands of species of native plants and animals, limit the impact of destructive hurricanes, clean polluted air, and increase our own mental and emotional health.
Yes, trees ARE powerful.
The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”